ac6-formation, un département d'Ac6 SAS
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You can book seats on our various training sessions directly from the site:

  • To book a seat in a scheduled session, held online or in our training center, please click on the dates of the session that interest you, or on the 'on request' clause.
  • Unless notified otherwise, scheduled sessions take place either online or in our training center, at Courbevoie, close to Paris/La Défense business district
  • To get a quote about an on-site session, conducted on your premises, click on the duration of the course that interest you
Scheduled sessions calendar
Course Duration Cost 2024
September October November December
TI3 - Cortex M4 Texas Instruments Implementation and Ti-RTOS 4 days 2740 € HT on request
TK1 - KEYSTONE II IMPLEMENTATION 4 days 2490 € HT on request